Pursuit! That’s what we are about in the Worship Ministry at FBC. We are pursuing a deeper relationship with our great God. We are pursuing the image of Jesus Christ in our lives. We are pursuing those who God is calling to come alongside us in our pursuit of glorifying and praising God by using our gifts of music in worshiping Him.
We are always looking for those in our church community who feel called to serve God using their gift of music. There are several ways to use your gift in the Worship Ministry of FBC. Each of those areas plays a unique role and has its own set of expectations.
Our hope is that you find the area of ministry that God has equipped you for and that you find joy in serving Him there. If that gifting is in music, maybe the Pursuit Worship Ministry is where He wants you to be.
If you would like to know more about the worship ministry at FBC, please fill out the form below and someone will be in touch with you.