We hope your family will join us on Sunday, April 13 for a special Palm Sunday experience we are calling A Week With Jesus! Children (K3 - 5th grade) and their families will journey through the final week of Jesus' life beginning at the Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem and ending at the empty tomb.
Since this is for the entire family, we are asking that you sign up to let us know how many are coming. Please take a moment and fill out the form below to let us know how many adults and children will be attending with your family. There will be room for 5-6 children in each slot (adults will not count toward total). Also, please plan to arrive 5-7 minutes ahead of your scheduled time in order to get checked in and receive any instructions.
If you would like to serve at this event, there is a place at the bottom of this form for you to indicate that.
We look forward to seeing you on Palm Sunday as we celebrate the beginning of Easter week.